Preconception genetic test for couples planning
a baby
Why choose the PANDA test?
One blood collection = important information about your future baby's health
PANDA, short for Panel Diagnostic Analysis, is a cutting-edge genetic test tailored for couples planning to start a family. Whether you are trying to conceive naturally or through assisted reproductive technologies, PANDA can identify potential genetic risks that might affect your baby.
Even though both partners are apparently healthy, they may be carriers of a hereditary disease.
How does PANDA work?
All that is needed to perform the test is a blood collection.
We isolate DNA from the blood sample in the laboratory, which is afterwards analysed by experts in our molecular genetics’ laboratory. Finally, the data is bioinformatically processed.
The test results in a comparison of your mutated genes and a determination of the gene compatibility of the couple, providing important information about the health of your future offspring.
Your PANDA results, along with a description of the mutations found in your genes, will be provided to you within 4 weeks of blood collection. You may need a consultation with a clinical geneticist to discuss any variants found and the possible risks.
If there is anything that is not clear to you during the consultation, the clinical geneticist will explain everything and suggest a further course of action.

4 weeks
Up to 4 out of 100 couples
risk having a child with a severe genetic disorder. PANDA can help you avoid this.

Why test ourselves?
Discover if your future child is at risk for the most common hidden genetic diseases with PANDA Preconception Genetic Test.
Each of us is a carrier of about 2-10 monogenic genetic diseases. Some of these predispositions do not affect life, but others may cause serious diseases such as cystic fibrosis or spinal muscular atrophy.
If I am just a carrier, then I will not develop the disease, but if I plan a family with another such carrier, there is a 25% risk of having an offspring with a serious genetic disease.
Avoid this risk by getting tested.
Unfortunately, most partners find out about their genetic burden after the birth of the affected offspring. The PANDA test helps to detect such risk in advance.

Discover if your future child is at risk for the most common hidden genetic diseases with PANDA Preconception Genetic Test.
Two Types of Tests
PANDA Carrier
The PANDA Carrier provides diagnostic testing of 110 most common monogenic recessive diseases.
In addition to cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy, Fragile X syndrome, and deafness, it also focuses on visual and hearing impairment, and musculoskeletal and skin diseases.
American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) guidelines for preconception testing, making it ideal for all couples planning to start a family, even for those with a family history of genetic disorders.
PANDA Basic provides diagnosis for the 5 most common rare disorders in our population.
cystic fibrosis,
spinal muscular atrophy,
non-syndromic deafness,
Fragile X syndrome,
Additionally, it provides valuable information about ovarian responses to hormonal treatments and potential risks associated with hormone replacement therapy after embryo implantation.
Test is perfect for couples eager to understand their genetic health better, it focuses on a narrower range of conditions than the PANDA Carrier test.
Each year about 1-2% of babies in Europe are born with a serious genetic condition that can be prevented by the PANDA test.
Here is the list of the 110 most common monogenic recessive diseases that we test in our laboratory.
About 1 in every 30 people is a carrier of spinal muscular atrophy.
What will PANDA reveal?
We offer a comprehensive solution to couples with identified risk.
The testing has not shown any mutual risks for me and my partner.
Well done. None of the mutations you have were found are in the same gene, so there is no risk of having an offspring with any of the genetic diseases tested for.
The test showed that both my partner and I are carriers of the same disease. Do we still have a chance of having a healthy baby?
Yes, you do. Even if the test reveals that you and your partner carry the mutation in the same gene, there is a good chance of a healthy baby. You can benefit from the method of preimplantation genetic testing of embryos. This test is a part of assisted reproduction methods and allows you to select an embryo without genetic burden. Only embryos without mutated genes will be transferred into the mother's womb, thus preventing the transmission of disease to the offspring.
i took the test alone some time ago, but now my partner and I are planning a family. What should I do?
If you have not been identified as a carrier, examination of your partner is not necessary. If any mutation has been found, your partner may also need to be tested before you start rying for a baby. We are able to evaluate the compatibility of the couple retrospectively. It will be the same as if you came together.
Every 25th person is a carrier of cystic fibrosis.
Who gave life to PANDA?
The PANDA Basic test, originally developed in 2018 at the Repromeda Infertility Clinic, has completely replaced the preconception genetic diagnosis methods used in the past. Since its introduction, more than 9,000 patients have undergone the test.
With development of the PANDA Infertility Panel, our research certainly didn't end there; in 2021, we began testing with a new, expanded version of the PANDA Carrier. Testing with the PANDA Carrier can reduce the risk of having a genetically affected child by 10 to 20 times.

About 10% of people carry a mutation in genes increasing the risk of thrombosis (thrombophilic mutations).
Where can I get tested for PANDA?
See where you can have your blood collected for testing.
Centre of reproductive medicine
Studentská 812/6, 625 00 Brno, CZ
+420 511 158 222
Monday - Friday from 07:00 to 18:00

Centre of reproductive medicine
Dr. Slabihoudka 6232/11
708 00 Ostrava, CZ
+420 597 822 122
Monday - Friday from 07:00 to 15:00

Genitrix s.r.o.
Health care centre Jarov
Hartigova 2427/205
130 00 Praha 3, CZ
+420 251 642 508
Ordering by appointment